Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How Do I Qualify For A Networking Event?

In order to qualify for a BLS Networking Event, you must follow these steps:
  1. Come to the appropriate meeting. If you want to meet with a real estate attorney, you must come to the BLS Real Estate Lunch Forum (not, say, the Transactional Forum). This will lay the groundwork for your individual meeting with a practicing attorney in the field. If you cannot attend the appropriate Forum, send us an email and we will make alternative arrangements.
  2. Sign up at the meeting. We require a name, cell phone number, and email address, along with a general idea of when you are available (i.e. MTW lunch, R mid-morning coffee).
  3. Contact your attorney and set up a meeting. We will provide you with contact information for an attorney. Send a polite email to your attorney (think of this as your cover letter), telling him a bit about yourself and letting him know what your availability is. Be flexible.
  4. Meet your attorney.
  5. Report back to BLS. You will be provided with a BLS feedback form via email. Fill it out and return it. This is mandatory.

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